Pemandangan pagi di houseboat sangatlah cantik. SubhanAllah. What a beautiful way to start the day :).
Jadi kami pun keluarlah ke balkoni houseboat ni untuk ambik gambar. Punya la sejuk masa tu.. hehehehe... Ni je antara foto-foto yang sempat kami ambik lepas tu cepat-cepat masuk balik ke dalam.. hahaha.
Ali sedang menambah kayu for the furnace.
Pagi tu kami berjumpa dengan satu keluarga dari Gujerat yang juga menginap di houseboat ni. Baik sangat mereka ni. Seronok kami berbual dengan mereka especially uncle baju merah tu. Dia kata kalau kami ke Gujerat, beritahu dia dan dia akan carikan tempat menginap yang bagus dan bawak kami jalan-jalan. Wah! So friendly! It is always such a wonderful experience when we meet nice people :).
Pagi tu kami nak ke Gulmarg. Nak naik gunung dengan gondola. Nak jalan-jalan dalam salji :). Tapi sebelum tu, sementara tunggu transport sampai kami jalan-jalan dulu di sekitar houseboat di taman berdekatan. Sungguh sejuk masa tu, tapi kami gagahkan jugak :).
Masa kami keluar tu kami ternampak penjual sayur berperahu ni di tepi housebat kami. |
Berjalan ke taman di depan houseboat. Belah darat. |
Inilah tamannya. Musim luruh masa tu, maka gini la rupanya. Pada saya yang dah lama tak mengalami musim luruh, tentunya lihat pemandangan macam ni rasa sangat la menarik. |
Posing kejap untuk kenangan :). |
Menunggu kereta untuk ke Gulmarg. Ali juga membekalkan untuk kami set makan tengahari dalam bekas termos warna putih/pink tu. Perjalanan jauh maka kami akan lunch di sana instead balik ke houseboat.
Pemandu dan juga guide dah sampai. Nama dia Mr. Rasheed. Selama kami di Kashmir dia lah yang bawak kami. |
Saya yang memang minat ambik foto style street photography merasakan sangat bahagia sepanjang perjalanan ke Gulmarg ni :). Inilah foto-foto yang sempat saya rakam. Banyak sungguh foto-fotonya maka terpaksa saya khaskan satu blog entry just for them :).
It was 'moment-shot' like this that made me feel giddy all over.. hahaha... |
Nope, have no idea why that guy looked so 'delighted' but I sure am glad I managed to capture it :) |
So adorable kan? :) |
Wife tanya kenapa kesat2 mata? I kata habuk.... |
Such 'character'. Love it. |
No description, just suke this shot :) |
Suka betul the kaler2, the ruins and deteriorations... |
Was she looking at something or was she spitting. Regardless, to me it was an interesting moment lah.. hehe. |
Me so happy when got this shot. Happy like cannot describe one! Hehehehe... |
Harapan bangsa.... |
It was cold. I think the mom tgh try to keep her daughter warm. But it seemed being cold is the furthest thing in the little girl's mind.. hehehe. |
I try to capture people from all walks of life there. Though mostly it was chance encounters, the overall captures was quite varied. Me so happy lah :) |
I have no idea what that gentleman just bought from the store. Bread perhaps. Their seemingly simple way of life captured in this rather cliché image just seemed nostalgic to me. |
Rumah org kaya kot sebab tak de dinding pecah2 dan tingkap terkopak2. |
The ladies there are simply beautiful. Flawless. |
Kids anywhere are just the same. Ade je masa terluang tak kira di mana, it'll be play time! Hehehe.. |
3 atau 4 org satu motor adalah normal. |
Can't quite put my finger on it. Just love this shot :) |
People there memang sgt industrious. Pelbagai businesses mereka. |
Creator/inventor mengubahsuai kenderaan to fit situation and needs. Awesome. |
Macam dia pose for me pulak.. hehe. People there I noticed cam suka kalau kita ambik gambar mereka :) |
Yes, it got quite cold pagi tu. Lagi la kalau bermotor. I just love the background of this photo :). |
Like most of the other street shots, this too was shot dari dalam moving car yg sometimes slow but most time laju. Challenging but super fun. Especially bila dpt shot yg elok le.. hehehe. |
Most ladies there I noticed do not cover their faces. These girls tutup muka mungkin sebab abuk dan jugak angin sejuk. Quite windy kat sana at times. |
Hantar anak ke main road, temankan sampai bas datang untuk anak ke sekolah. May be like that la. |
Sight macam ni makin lama kat sana I perasan macam satu yg biasa pulak. Like, abandoned projects. May be bukan abandoned tapi stop work due to musim sejuk. |
Macam kat Malaysia la jugak. Dilarang buang sampah, tetap ade je org yg buang di situ. |
Polis dan tentera memang ramai di bandar dan persekitarannya. Sampai saya siap tanya pada our guide if it is ok to take photos especially people's photo including the police. My worry was unfounded actually. Our guide said, 'Noooo.... no problem at all. They may even like you taking their photos'. Well, wasn't that just great! :) Tapi aku hati2 le jugak. Tak le sampai tak beringat pulak :). |
Without any uniform I can't really tell if they work for their dewan bandaraya or not. Just look how quaint their equipment/tools are. |
I almost bought one of these pheran. Tak jadi cause expensive. Materialnya heavy and definitely can keep you warm and toasty. |
Apparently education sgt diberatkan. Bagus la begitu. Those kids looked so adorable in their school attire. Suka gambar ni kerana ia punya pelbagai details foreground and background yet their mashed up really well together :) |
More kids shot waiting for transport to school. |
As you breeze through town in the morning. |
I love this shot! :) |
Isn't this just the most precious moment. Cucu dok tepi jalan dgn atok :) |
Despite the haphazards buildings and surroundings [which I personally find disarmingly charming], they generally keep their places clean and tidy. |
Suasana pagi. |
Lovely :) |
Ini adalah salah satu photo yg tersimpan dlm 'Favourite' folder saya :). He seemed 'weathered' or 'seasoned' by the hardships of life. And having captured him amidst such a background somehow to me made it more poignant. |
Oppss... lupa nak buat distortion correction... tu yg tayar tu nampak oval tu.. hehehe.. |
Rasanya tidak keterlaluan jika saya kata image sebegini adalah sesuatu yg biasa di sana. |
Life is hard. One has to persevere. |
Fruits sellers were basically almost everywhere. Tgh musim kot. |
More fruits seller shot. |
'Alangkah' and 'what if' selalu je terlintas di fikiran. What if I can be there amidst the kesibukan jual beli itu? Alangkah bestnya kalau aku dpt ambik gambar dari dalam kedai itu? Apa pun saya sgt bersyukur dpt shot ini. |
"FACING THE CHALLENGES OF NEW MILLENNIUM WITH THE QUALITY MEDICINES" - Waaaa!! They call barang kemas as 'ornaments'. Macam pokok krismas pulak.... hehe... |
Among the many well dressed men there. That yellow box contain a room heater device cap Kaycee :) |
Sooo quaint, right? :) |
Di sini saya tak pernah dengar pharmacists yg di panggil 'druggists'. Macam ade negative connotation pulak pada word 'druggists' tu.. hehe. I digress. The focus of this photo is of course the woman. |
General Physician - SKIN & SEX. Hmmm....? |
2 org uncle yg tgh berdiri depan stesyen minyak. Entah kenapa dia org tercegat kat tepi jalan dlm keadaan yg sejuk. Tgh tunggu ride kot. But I like this shot :) |
Lagi fruits seller shot :) |
Seemed engrossed in a conversation. |
I have no idea what those are. Hmmm... |
A moment captured. |
Another one in my 'Favourite' folder :) |
Kedai2 runcit memang akan display their product till ke pavements depan kedai. Selalunya beras, tepung dan minyak masak have front row placements. |
Lawanya! Macam patung!!! Wished I had gotten more than 1 shot! :) |
Tu dia, 4 adult males pun boleh muat :) |
Images like this often made me feel sad. I admit I sometimes gets too attached emotionally to my photos. Depiction of life's hardships involving children just pulls my heartstrings. |
Cleaning carpets. |
A school girls heading home passing through plantation areas. |
I was informed by Abdul Rasheed [our guide] that these gentlemen are very experienced cooks and they are very much sought after for functions. |
Hardworking, hard life.... |
Kedai2 kecik macam pondok ni memang normal di sana. |
This boy had quite a distance to walk as I noticed the next kawasan perumahan ada la dalam a few kilometres. And it was cold. Tapi mungkin dia dah biasa jalan jauh so tak jadi masalah. Tak pun rumah dia dekat je kot cause he could veered of to any of the small dirt road paths which lead to his house. |
I do seemed to be shooting a lot of people passing by. Well, I so do.. hehe. Cause I love it. Cause each is different with differing background and tells different stories :) |
Tension kot... kesian. Ke tengah dok tunggu kawan :). |
Happy faces :). |
Communication is everything! :) |
2 gentlemen hanging out [in the cold??] |
Setiap org perlu ader satu.... :) |
Indeed she saw me and did not seemed to mind, which is great :). |
The pose, the facial expression, the surrounding and THAT jacket! Fav! Hehehee... |
The ladies are quite fashionable actually... |
Yes, there is :) |
Tak tau le apa budak kecik ni buat kat tepi jalan. I hope dia tak le cuba nak lintas cause road masa tu sgt busy. |
Kids :). |
So irresistibly cliché kan but it is one of my fav.... hehehehe :) |
Lighting sgt lah gorgeous masa tu. Tak kisah lah shot ni got tiang2 tgh2 gambar, saya tetap suka.. hehe. |
A lone man crossing the sawah padi yg kering. I could not have asked for more! :) |
2 ladies walking away through sawah padi kering. MasyaAllah, I seriously did not expect to be able to get this shot. Masa bertolak dari Malaysia, memang la berangan2 nak dptkan shots cam ni. |
Fav sangat :) |
Tak kisah, blur2 pun up gak.. hehe. Sebab shot cam ni mengambarkan situasi kehidupan org di sana. Agar aku tidak lupa dan bersyukur sentiasa padaNya. |
Aaaa... yet another shot yg aku dok berangan dpt ambik. Dan dpt juga. SubhanaAllah. |
Depa ni suka dok kat luar padahal cuaca tgh sejuk. Kalau kata diaorg nak merokok ke, tak pulak. Sanggup berselubung cam tu. |
Cemas gak masa ambik shot ni. Mana la tau kan since this guy looked very serious. Masa tu shoot dari dalam kereta from the back seat. Kereta tgh slow moving due to a bit of a traffic jam. Dia renung je. Tapi lepas I took several shot, dia senyum. Hahahahaha! Legaaaa..... |
Love this shot too :). |
Punya la saya berhati2 masa nak ambik shot ni.. hehehee.... |
Waiting for customers... in the cold..... |
I often wished I could stop by and have a taste of whatever he was selling. Perhaps it was a delicious soup makan cecah dgn roti. Tgh2 sejuk masa tu... perghh... sure sedap! |
Saya admit masa view balik lepas took this shot saya rasa sebak. Why, cause I just love photography so much dan bila dgn izinNya saya dpt shots cam ni saya rasa humble sgt. So yeah, I am emotional like that when it comes to photography. |
Kedai runcit. |
No idea la what game they were playing tapi out in the cold? Hmmm... I keep forgetting. They are locals so dah used to the weather la :) |
I think they are father and son. |
Tak payah ader peti sejuk. Confirm fresh lah :) |
Fav sangat :). |
Fav! 3x lah :) |
Dan bergambar kenangan :).
No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.
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