Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Istana Topkapi ni sangatlah besar dengan 4 courtyards. Selama 400 tahun Sultan2 Ottoman reside di palace ni. Sekarang ni istana ni dah dijadikan muzium so ia jadi tumpuan tourists. Also  kerana ada important holy relics of the Muslim world, including Nabi Muhammad's SAW cloak and sword. Kami memang nak sangat ke bahagian muzium yg ada holy relics tu dan itu la our main plan. Kalau tak sempat nak lawat yg lain sections pun tak pe la.

Sinan beritahu yg fotografi cuma boleh di luar istana sahaja. Kat dalam tak dibenarkan. Agak dah sebab items macam holy relics mesti no photography.

Tiket masuk ke Topkapi Palace museum.

Suasana di pintu masuk dan 1st courtyard. Ada Turkish Armies on guard.

Agak ramai juga pelancung hari tu. Since palace ni sgt besar tak le sesak.

Group kami berpecah masing2 dgn itinerary sendiri. Kami terus ke Holy Relics museum. Ini adalah suasana dalam muzium tersebut yg foto2nya saya ambil dari internet cause photography is not allowed inside the museums. 

Terdapat banyak holy relics of the Islamic world.

Dalam banyak-banyak muzium di Topkapi ni, Museum of Holy Relics ni yang paling popular. Therefore queue nak masuk sangat panjang tapi masuk agak cepat cause kat dalam ada staff2 muzium yg kawal traffic. Masa di dalam ni, biasa la kan, ada je tourists yg macam tak faham bahasa tetap jugak ambik gambar dengan camera dan mobile phones. Pakai flash pulak tu. Aiyoo. Geram tengok cause saya patuh dgn tegahan mengambil gambar sedangkan mereka sedap je ambik. Actually mereka tu bukannya tak tau, tapi ambik juga curi2. Dan apa lagi menjerit2 la staff dan guards muzium tu melarang mereka2 ni. 

Lepas lawat Museum of Holy Relics tu, since ada masa lagi kami pun masuk ke muzium2 lain. Ternyata tak ramai orang so selesa sikit. Saya pula merancang untuk mencari foto2 dan DVD on the Topkapi Palace Museum since tak boleh ambik gambar. Saya notice ada souvenir and book shop di entrance tadi. Jadi kami pun bersegera ke sana dan beli this DVD and a book, 'The Sacred Trusts'. 

The Sacred Trusts.
Inilah buku The Sacred Trusts by Hilmi Aydin. Mahal sungguh harganya tapi rasa macam worth it sangat. Bila dah review buku tu di book shop tu, saya tak fikir panjang terus beli. Confirm saya tak dapat beli benda2 lain di Istanbul sebab budget dah exceeded lepas beli buku ni. Tinggal duit untuk makan je....hihi...

The Preface dan content. 

The Holy Mantle.
Cloak yg di pakai oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW.

First Manuscripts of the Quranic verses.

Surah At-Tabbat [al-Masad] - on parchment thought to have been written by the scribes of revelation.

Surah Al-Qadr - five lines written on a darkened piece leather, attributed to the scribes of revelation.

Surah Al- Takathur - written on a leather in five lines and attributed to the scribes of the revelation.

Surah Al-Humaza - thought to have been written by the scribes of revelation.

Uthman ibn Affan's Quran.

The Quran which Uthman ibn Affan was supposedly reading when he was martyred. 

The Letters of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad SAW letter to Muqawqis, leader of the Copts [native Christians of Egypt]

 The Sacred Strands of Hair.

The Sacred Sandals

The box of a Sacred Sandal. It is lined with green silk and 'Pertevniyal 1289' is written next to the lock. The inscription "The Sacred Sandals of our Prophet, the master of all prophets, peace be upon him' is on the inside cover.

Top: Sacred Sandal
Middle: Sacred Shoe made of black leather in the Yemeni style with a pointed toe.
Bottom: Sacred sandal made of 3 layer of leather stitched together. The laces are also leather.

The Prophet Muhammad's SAW footprint.
A reproduction of Prophet Muhammad's SAW left footprint found at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and thought to have been left on the Night of Ascension.

Prophet Muhammad's SAW footprint brought from Tripoli during the reign of Sultan Abdulmecid. The gold frame and cover date from the reign of Abdulhamid II.

The Honored Bowl.

The Staff of Moses.

The Cooking Vessel of the Prophet Abraham.

The Blouse of Fatima al-Zahra.

The Mantle of Fatima al-Zahra.

The Prayer Rug of Fatima al-Zahra.

The Scarf of Aisha binti Abu Bakr.

Soil from the Grave of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Sword of the Prophet.
Sayf al-Nabawi - Sword of the Prophet.

The Turban of the Prophet Joseph.

Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi holy relics dalam buku tu tapi rasanya cukup la saya kongsikan yg di atas. Apa2 pun saya bersyukur kerana dapat membeli buku ini. Sekurang2nya dapat saya lihat dengan lebih jelas berserta dengan sejarah/informasinya sekali.

Semua foto dari buku The Sacred Trusts adalah hakmilik Publisher buku ini.


Di bawah ni saya senaraikan kesemua entries Istanbul saya:

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