Day 05.
Semalamnya memang saya sudah ke Military Museum bersama isteri tetapi it was mainly to watch the Mehter performance. Kami pergi pun dah petang dan tak sempat nak round the museum sections. Jadi semasa isteri menghadiri kursus pagi hari ke 5 di Istanbul, saya pergi lagi ke museum itu. Saya end up spending almost 3 jam lebih since the museum is really huge!
It was nice to be able to just spend time leisurely there and really take my time to enjoy the exhibitions as oppose to if I were to go on packaged tours which usually time allotment cuma paling lama sejam at any one place visited. Lagi pun setahu saya tour packages tak cover museums as usually much time is needed.
And as usually I took a lot of photos..hihi..
Inilah bahagian depan Command of Military Museum and Cultural site. |
Ada meriam besar. |
Ada jet. |
Ada kereta kebal. |
Juga ada helikopter. |
Sedikit info tentang the museum. Offcial website muzium is here. |
Di bahagian 'Foundation of Turkish Army" hall ada satu diorama yang mempamerkan tentera Turki di Great Wall of China. |
Inilah Atilla the Hun. |
Terdapat juga beberapa paintings yg menarik tentang seige and myths. |
Dan ini pula ialah Seljuks Hall. |
Di Seljuks Hall ini ada info dan paintings about the history of Turkey's pioneer scientists [foto atas] seperti Ebu Abdullah Mohammed bin Musa el-Harezmi, Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni, Muhammed bin Tahran dan Ibn I Sina. Foto bawah pula ialah Turks leading thinker seperti Ahi Evran, Ahmet Yesevi, Hadji Bektas-i Veli, Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi. |
Dan ini adalah Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey. He is a Turkish principality in Anatolia in the 13th century. Pada 13 May 1277 he issued s statement, "After this no body in the palace, divan, council and excursion (will) speak any word other than Turkish" which means that Turkish language replaced the Persian language in government offices. . Di Turki ada Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Universiti. |
The Battle of Myriokephalon between the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos and the Seljuk Turks, King Kilic Arslan II. |
The Battle of Manzikert was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuq Turks on August 26, 1071 near Manzikert. |
The Battle of Dandanaqan was fought in 1040 between the Seljuqs and the Ghaznavid Empire. The battle ended with a Seljuq victory and brought down the Ghaznavid domination in the Khorasan. |
Palace tiles bermotif harimau. |
Jubin istana bermotif helang 2 kepala dari Anatolian Seljuk kurun ke 13. Istana2 Ottoman tak ada motif2 haiwan cuma yg ada tumbuh2an ikut cara Islam. |
Orang2 Turki zaman dulu memang pakai turban besar2. |
Ini pula the Ottoman State Establishment Hall. |
Helmet Sultan Orhan Ghazi [1326 - 1362] dan peta Ottoman empire. |
Sultan2 Ottoman. Senget2 foto2 saya ambik..hihi... |
More paintings of battles. I really do like these paintings. Lama gak saya renung2 lukisan2 ni dan yg lain tu. |
Sebuah Al Quran lama dari kurun ke 13. |
Sultan Mehmet the Conquerer. Dibuat dari mozaic. |
Saya sgt tertarik dgn rekaan seni dan tulisan pada helmet. |
Baju besi [Mail shirt] yg tentunya sgt berat. |
Matchlock rifle yg besar dan tentunya berat juga. Bayangkan nak bawak rifle ni dgn pakai mail shirt tu! |
Armoured cavalry man. Saya asyik terfikir berapakah berat semua pakaian tu. Mail shirt + helmet + leg guards + perisai + pedang.... |
Ada Quran kecil yg dibawa oleh Sultan disamping pedang. Chanfron ialah medieval plate armor to protect a horse's head. |
Battle of the Mohacs between the Ottoman and the Hungarian armies yg telah dimenangi oleh tentera Ottoman led by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Pada papan info tu stated that the battle lasted for only 2 hours tapi some historian kata could have been 5 hours. |
My favourite helmet of all the helmets di situ :) |
Dan ini adalah the Great Chain yg merentang di jalan masuk ke Golden Horn [a natural harbor yg pada zaman dulu digunakan oleh Byzantine dan Ottoman Empire untuk melabuhkan kapal2 perang dan kapal2 komersial] untuk menghalang kemasukkan kapal2 musuh. Chains tu disupport oleh 2 menara on both sides of the harbor dan pada 1511 telah dihancurkan bila salah satu menara itu telah diletupkan. |
And this is in the "The Conquest of Istanbul" Hall. This diorama depicts the fall of Constantinople and thus the end of the Byzantine Empire which was a key event in the Late Middle Ages which also marks, for some historians, the end of the Middle Ages. |
And this is my favorite diorama. The paintings were excellent! Paintings and the 3 dimensional figures were just so wonderful. |
Banyak betul foto2 yg saya ambik...hihi... |
Kalau tak silap saya the right tu ialah Ulubatlı Hasan who achieved legendary status as a heroic Turkish martyr at the successful Siege of Constantinople. |
Seterusnya saya ke Cutting Weapons Hall yg mempamerkan senjata dari Islamic period dari kurun ke 12. Senjata yg ada ialah Turkish swords, stilettos weapons, daggers and 'yatagans'. |
Saya sangat kagum dgn hasil seni [ukiran?] pada pedang2 di situ. |
Agak lama juga saya spent time di sini marveling at the craftsmanship. |
Lepas tu saya ke defensive weapons section di Defense Arms Hall. |
Ini dari pamphlets yg diberi muzium pada pengunjung. |
Banyak info2 menarik mengenai defensive weapons dari era Ottoman. |
Terdapat beberapa helmet yg ada verses from the Quran. |
One of the many helmets. Saya suka sungguh helmet ni. |
Ada juga tortoise shield. |
Just look at the design and ukiran. Hebat! |
Dari tingkap2 saya tahu ada sebuah taman di tengah2 muzium ini. Tapi semua pintu2 ke taman tu tertutup. Bila saya jengah saya ternampak ada sepasukan lelaki berpakaian tentera sedang marching dgn bergendang similar to the Mehter. Tetiba saya noticed ada satu pintu terbuka dan the red rope yg menghadang pintu itu juga terbuka. Apa lagi saya pun keluar la...hihi... |
Saya fikir tak pe la kalau pengunjung2 muzium dibenarkan atau tidak ke taman tu. Kalau saya ditegur, saya akan just say sorry dan masuk je la ke dalam muzium semula. Cantik taman tu. I wonder kenapa dia tak benarkan pengunjung masuk ke situ. May be mungkin it is the army area. Saya pun took as many photos as possible...hihi... |
Then these army guys passed by marching to the beat of the drum, just like the Mehter marching band yg kami tonton semalamnya. |
And they don't seemed to mind at all. In fact some just smile at me, the silly tourist...hihi.... |
Puas hati rasanya dpt took a few shots of them. One of those unexpected coincidental thing..hihi... |
2 kali mereka passed by dan saya took more shots. Ok la tu cukup2 le ye tak...hihi... Then I saw of the museum's staff dan saya tanya boleh ke sebenarnya saya masuk ke dalam taman ni. Dia kata actually tak boleh. Cepat2 saya kata sorry...hihi. But he was kind, tak de la marah2 ke. |
Seterusnya saya masuk ke Firearms Hall. |
Di sini ada bermacam2 jenis pistol! Seronok sungguh saya. |
Tengok bahagian grip pistol tu. Hebat betul ukiran/design nya! |
Ini pula multi barreled pistols. Awesome! |
I wonder how the ten barreled pinfire pistol works. Hmmm... interesting... |
Woo hoo! Check out the bottom left pistol. Siap ada knucklebuster and pisau! Lethal weapon! |
And I also marveled at these tiny pistols i.e pocket pistols. Saiz besar tapak tangan je. Ni mesti spy2 yg pakai kot.....hihi.. |
Habis peluru, boleh serang musuh dgn pisau yg dah dipasang siap pada pistol. |
Tu dia! Senapang pakai kuasa petrol! |
Senapang gajah! |
Model meriam ni dibuat sepenuhnya dgn kayu as a monument to heroism. |
Ini pula di Mehter Instruments Hall. Ada peralatan2 musik yg digunakan oleh the Mehter Marching Band. |
More firearms. |
Ini pula di Hall of the Battles of Dardanelles. |
Seterusnya saya up di sini the pamphlets tentang canons and medals. Dah tak larat dah nak ambik gambar lagi actualy...hihihi... By this time dah nak 3 jam saya berjalan dalam muzium yg sgt besar ni. Penat weh! |
Ni di areas entry and exit of the muzium. Boleh beli souvenirs di sini. |
Kami end Day 05 dengan dinner di Dragon restoran, salah sebuah restoran di Hotel Hilton Bosphorus. It is outdoor. Nice night :). |
Ok, end of day 05 of our Istanbul trip.
Bersambung dengan day 06 seterusnya...
Di bawah ni saya senaraikan kesemua entries Istanbul saya:
No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.
Untuk mengenali sesebuah negara secara keseluruhan, muzium lah tempatnya...
ReplyDeleteBetul tu! All in one place. Senang. So much history sampai saya letih nak round2 dan baca info2 tu semua...hihi...
DeleteMasa saya round2 bahagian ground floor tu, actually saya terlupa about the 2nd floor. Bila realize, huwaaa.... nak pengsan...hahaha... Masa tu kena la dok kejap kat bench to regain energy..hihi..
saya pun sama ... boleh spend hours dalam satu muzium..
ReplyDeleteada 10 kg rasanya total baju besi tu!!
Betul tu doc. In muzium, tak best kalau just breeze through je. Apa tah lagi muzium yg macam ni yg rasanya tak akan dapat saya lawat lagi.
DeleteSangat mungkin! [me imagining bag beras 10 kg!]
Gambaran yang lengkap. Gambar-gambar sudah bercerita mengenai semuanya. Betulkan kata orang, sekeping gambar boleh bercerita melebihi seribu kata.
ReplyDeleteThanks pt. Itulah yg saya cuba capai :)
DeleteSaya paling diorama2 tu. Sungguh detailed dan hebat lukisannya. Menceritakan keadaan berperang pada zaman itu.