Ok, sambung cerita 'My Photography Journey'.
Kerja sepenuh masa did not leave me much time untuk berhobi. Cuma ada masa after office hours, weekends and holidays. Makanya most time I did a lot of DIY (do-it-yourself) photography di rumah saja.
I was always excited for weekends and holidays 😁 |
DIY tu selalunya buat yang simple je. Set up mudah; atas kotak letak manila paper warna putih (atau kaler-kaler lain) dilengkungkan ke dinding (to create kononnya endless background) dan letak objects to shoot in the middle. Lighting pakai table lamp/s, with white light. Sometimes shoot guna tripod, but most time handheld saja.
Camera settings: First try shoot guna Auto Mode. Kalau dah ok, fine. If not, tukar ke Manual Mode dan adjust settings untuk dapatkan exposure yang sesuai.
Lighting: Saya guna desk lamp yang boleh rotate, twist and swivel. Usually guna 2 desk lamps positioned di belah kiri dan kanan object, atau di atas dan mana-mana sudut suluhan yang sesuai dengan apa yang nak dicapai.
Date taken: 17/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 17/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Macam dalam foto di bawah ni pula, simple saja, suluh dari atas.
Date taken: 08/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Atau kalau tetiba rasa nak creative sikit masa guna lighting simple macam ni, saya buat macam foto di bawah. Hadap lampu dan suluh ke arah dinding. Saya buat suluhan cahaya tu berjalur-jalur kasi dramatik sikit...hihi. Bila background terang, bolehlah create silhouette kereta miniature tu.
Date taken: 08/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Dan kalau rajin boleh juga buat concentrated light macam dalam foto bawah. Kononnya kereta tu macam disuluh dengan spotlight. Saya tak de la spotlight. Guna desk lamp tu la juga cuma saya serkop lampu tu dengan cone shaped manila paper yang dilubangkan... hihi.
Date taken: 08/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Selain guna lampu study, saya juga guna USB lights seperti foto di bawah. Tapi subject kena guna objek-objek bersaiz kecil sahajalah sebab lampu USB tu pun kecik-kecik.
Date taken: 19/03/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Ini antara cabaran yang saya hadapi masa buat DIY photography di rumah. Penat-penat set up subjek dan lampu-lampu, habis ribut semua diserang raksasa bermisai 😁.
Date taken: 19/03/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Jadi buat cara DIY ni boleh siap dalam masa 15, 20 minutes atau boleh sampai berjam. Depends pada mood juga la sebab kalau force apa pun tak jadi dengan elok.. hihi.
Anyway, saya share di sini kompilasi foto-foto DIY saya dari tahun 2005 hingga ke 2017.
Saw some nice product advertistments dalam magazine, so cuba-cuba la juga. Masalahnya sunglasses ni diletak terbalik...hihi. Dah habis shooting baru perasan 😅. Malas dah nak reshoot balik.. hihi.
Date taken: 05/03/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Cahaya lilin memang cantik. The way it flickers made the shadow dances.
Date taken: 19/03/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
To create different mood, selain menggunakan manila card warna putih, boleh juga guna warna lain seperti warna biru dalam foto kiri di bawah.
Date taken: 19/03/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 19/03/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
More product shots.
Date taken: 24/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
My Samsung flip mobile phone from way back in 2006 😁. I just love how small it was, half palm size and can snuggly fit in my jeans pocket.
Date taken: 24/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Anak sedara saya jadi my hand model 😁.
Date taken: 02/07/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 02/07/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 06/08/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 06/08/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Borrowed my wife beauty products, bawa ke sungai di Taman Rimba Ampang dan buat product shoot... hihi. Pakai natural light sahaja.
Date taken: 11/11/2007 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Masa tu ada beberapa orang pengunjung taman yang curious nak tengok apa saya buat di tepi sungai. Rasa segan pula masa tu... hihi.
Date taken: 11/11/2007 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Another jewelries shoot. Juga di Taman Rimba Ampang. Given the kind of jewelries these were, rasa macam sesuai di shoot dalam suasana rimba.
Date taken: 11/11/2007 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
A lone bejewelled swan.
Date taken: 11/11/2007 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Lovely Lace.
Date taken: 30/10/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 30/10/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Well, perfumes always make very nice objects to shoot. J'adore Eau de Parfum.
Date taken: 10/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 10/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Bvlgari Aqua Pour Homme Marine & Bvlgari Aqva Pour Homme. Shot di sungai di Taman Rimba Ampang.
Date taken: 101/12/2013 - Canon EOS 7D |
Date taken: 101/12/2013 - Canon EOS 7D |
Jasmine flower meanings and symbolism include love, purity, feminine powers, sensuality, modesty, hospitality, community, inspiration, and spiritual ascension. Banyak betul simbolismnya.
Date taken: 08/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 08/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Some close up shots done in macro mode.
Date taken: 17/07/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 17/07/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Yes indeed. I even bought a wine glass sebab berfotografi.. hihi. Beli di kedai barang murah tu je. Actually those kedai have many useful stuff.
Date taken: 22/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 22/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
These were also shot in Macro Mode sebab botol-botol ni kecil-kecil belaka. So cute 😊.
Date taken: 06/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
A miniature motorcycle.
Date taken: 30/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 30/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Menggunakan efek bayang to create a futuristic look. Guna bakul berjaring untuk dapatkan bayang macam tu.. hihi.
Date taken: 15/03/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Dalam foto ini 2 lampu meja digunakan dengan suluhan stail spotlight pada kereta dan juga suluhan ke dinding background.
Date taken: 08/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Suluhan dari 2 desk lamps from left and right.
Date taken: 08/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Circuit board pun diambil gambar... hihi. I just thought they were quite interesting 😀.
Date taken: 03/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Shoot dengan setting Macro Mode, kononnya these images were of a futuristic city.. hihi.
Date taken: 03/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Saw photos of droplets on a disc in the internet, so I also try lah 😁.
Date taken: 17/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 17/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Found another use for the wine glass. 'Smoky' effect by pouring dettol into a wine glass filled with water 😄.
Date taken: 14/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 14/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
This was the one and only time I use fish for photography. I felt quite uncomfortable... kesian ikan-ikan ni...
Date taken: 07/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 07/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Mata sendiri pun jadi subjek fotografi.. hahaha. Payah sungguh nak dapatkan shots macam ni 😅.
Date taken: 11/02/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 11/02/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Untuk dapatkan efek asap macam ni, saya open camera exposure selama 4 saat. Dan suluh dengan lampu picit 😁. Habis berasap bilik.. haha.
Date taken: 08/10/2005 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 08/10/2005 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
My first ever self portrait 😄.
Date taken: 08/10/2005 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Dan tentunya makanan juga subjek DIY photography saya 😁. Fruit tarts and strawberries.
Date taken: 14/02/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 14/02/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
And chocolates too, arranged with river pebbles 😃. Kena tergesa-gesa shoot sebab coklat-coklat tu cepat glistening dan mencair 😄.
Date taken: 20/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 20/12/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Bought a few red cherries and froze it. Then thaw and when the cherry was partly exposed, place it in the DIY mini studio, positioned the desk lamps and shoot! 😄 I just love the icy textures of the streaks and bubbles of the trapped air.
Date taken: 25/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Created both dark and bright backgrounds untuk menyerlahkan kemerahan buah ceri.
Date taken: 25/04/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Fun stuff 😁.
Date taken: 04/05/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
My DIY set up is small actually, so bila terjumpa these tiny grapes and tomatoes di supermarket terus beli for photography.. hihi.
Date taken: 08/08/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Tiny subjects can be made to look bigger or of normal size bila guna stail DIY ni.
Date taken: 08/08/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
This was actually my lunch for that day. Tapi shoot dulu sebelum dimakan.. hihi.
Date taken: 09/09/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Date taken: 09/09/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Adorable sugar candy bought at a cake shop 😄.
Date taken: 20/09/2006 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Green and red apples.
Date taken: 12/04/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 12/04/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 12/04/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Fruits and vegetables have very interesting textures. Love it!
Date taken: 31/01/2010 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Bitter gourd, oyster mushroom and kiwi fruit.
Date taken: 31/01/2010 - Canon PowerShot G6 |
Yang ini saya tak guna the DIY set up but still shoot stail macam DIY juga la. Letak Secret Recipe's Chicken Cornish on a nice plate atas coffee table di ruang tamu rumah. Use natural lighting dari balkoni.
Date taken: 11/07/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
For these Satay and Meatloaf Sandwich shots I also place few decorative items such as the bamboo placemats, small pots of plastic flowers as well as a bowl of plastic fruits to make it more nice and presentable. Yes, plastic.. hihi... baru la boleh guna berkali-kali during other shoots.. hihi.
Date taken: 11/07/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Delicious cupcakes pun ada juga 😋.
Date taken: 11/07/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 11/07/2010 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
My favourite... kuih bakar 😋.
Date taken: 19/06/2021 - Canon EOS 7D |
Date taken: 19/06/2021 - Canon EOS 7D |
Date taken: 19/06/2021 - Canon EOS 7D |
Date taken: 19/06/2021 - Canon EOS 7D |
Date taken: 19/06/2021 - Canon EOS 7D |
Fun, morbid yet delightful shoot with figurines 😁. Bride and groom - Emily (Corpse Bride) and Captain Elliott Spencer (Pinhead).
Date taken: 14/01/2007 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Spawn trapped. Background figurine in saya 'lukis' menggunakan lampu kecil berkelip warna kuning/oren dan shoot dengan camera exposure selama 15 saat.
Date taken: 27/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Pharoah. Playing with different lights placements.
Date taken: 31/01/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Efek menggunakan 2 sumber cahaya using desk lamps, yang disuluh pada dinding background dan pada figurine.
Date taken: 04/02/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 04/02/2008 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
The challenge I set for myself for this shoot was to highlight the silhouette and beautiful kimono patterns and the exquisite kimono design with a pose that was most flattering in showcasing the national costume.
Date taken: 19/11/2009 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Date taken: 19/11/2009 - Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL |
Fun figurines shoot with action figures, Quorra and Maleficent, using USB lights and background shadow. And the circling black crows were edited in.
Date taken: 23/02/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Ironman and Robocop.
Date taken: 23/02/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Guardians of the Galaxy - Star-Lord and Gamora. I used several circular USD lights for a futuristic look.
Date taken: 23/02/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Black Panther and Ironman,
Date taken: 23/02/2017 - Canon PowerShot SX720 HS |
Bersambung lagi dengan kategori lain pula in the next entry. No photograph or videos may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.
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