Lepas spend time di Skytropolis Indoor Theme Park di Level 1 dalam bangunan First World Plaza ini, saya naik ke Level 4 pula untuk ke Ripley's Adventureland.
Dikatakan Ripley's Adventureland ini adalah salah satu 'the most adventurous adventure land' yang ada di Genting Highlands. Lokasinya adalah di Tingkat 4, Sky Avenue, First World Plaza, Genting Highlands. Di dalamnya ada beberapa tarikan yang menarik seperti Jurassic Research Center, Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium, Zombie Outbreak, The Infinity Room and 4D Trick Art.
This is Jungle Gym. Jungle Gym is an interactive playground for children with slides, games and even a mini cinema.
The stench of rotting flesh in the air catches your attention, but not before they catch you. Beware of the Zombie Outbreak! Just when you thought you could seek shelter in that abandoned house, think again! You can hide but the undead already have your scent and are seeking you out. Hold your breath or they'll hear you! Are you ready to run for your life?
Jurassic Research Center features a study of prehistoric life with a collection of dinosaur statues, fossils and skeletons. Current scientific consensus places the origin of dinosaurs at between 231 and 243 million years right up till 66 million years ago. Their past existence have inspired endless movies, books and art forms. People will always love dinosaurs for the simple reason that they are not around anymore.
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In Jurassic Research Center, visitors can travel back in time to when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and uncover the mysteries of the planet’s prehistoric past. |
Wah.... look at those dinosaurs! So many of them! 😃 Di Jurassic Research Center ini ada lebih dari 200 dinosaurs that were brought back to 'life' dengan menggunakan teknologi animatronik terkini. Nampak tak kepala dinosaour yang paling depan dalam foto di bawah ini tidak fokus dan blur. Itu sebab kepalanya sedang bergerak-gerak 😃.
Dan yang menjadikan attraction ini lebih hebat lagi adalah dinosaurs di sini semuanya adalah bersaiz sebenar! Besar sungguh body dinosours ini dengan leher panjang sampai kepala nak mencecah siling center ini. I think those are either Ultrasaurus or Brachiosaurus. Terasa macam berada dalam scene from the Jurassic Park movies pulak 😄.
Di sebelah sana pun ada dinosaurs. Kita jalan di sebelah sini dulu.
Banyaknya dinosaurs! Ter'Oooo.. Aaaa.. Oooo.. Aaaa..' saya dibuatnya.... hihi 😄.
Seram saya tengok dinosaur ini!
Namanya Gigantoraptor. A feathered dinosaur species I reckon.
Informasi tentang dinosours turut dipamerkan. Nice! Ini maklumat tentang Gigantoraptor.
Ini pula maklumat tentang Brachiosaurus.
Hihi... ada reminder board kata 'Do not sit on dinosaurs' 😄. May be there were incidents overenthusiastic kids yang seronok sangat tengok semua dinosaurs ni dan nak ditunggangnya 😆.
And I must say the lightings are rather excellent too. I think they created that dramatic Jurassic jungle atmosphere or feel quite nicely. Not that I know how's that actually like lah... hihi 😄.
Maklumat tentang Stegosaurus.
A flock of Gigantoraptor.
Terus berjalan ikut pavement yang disediakan dalam Jurassic Research Center ini.
Ini Triceratops.
Info on Triceratops.
This is Smilodon, commonly known as the saber-toothed tiger.
Their eyes are so creepy... hihi 😄. Dah la saya seorang saja masa tu. Tak ada visitors lain pun masa tu 😅.
Information on Parasaurolophus.
Another hairy one. This one is even more creepy! They purposely made the eyes glow like that! 😅
It's a Deinonychus.
Like a giant sized vicious bird!
Ok, let's move on to the next section.
Info on Spinosaurus.
This section is where the big dinosaurs are.
Probably the most popular dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
About Tyrannosaurus Rex.
So yes, this is Dilophosaurus.
About Dilophosaurus.
Those are Quetzalcoatlus.
Kepala bergerak-gerak dan berbunyi macam dalam filem Jurassic Park tu lah 😃.
I think this is Dilophosaurus. A ferocious predator and a carnivore.
Nope, I have no idea how to pronounce this one 😄. So I check and it sounds like 'ket·suhl·kow·at·luhs'.
Quetzalcoatlus tengah makan.
Eating baby dinosaur after killing the mommy 😞.
About Quetzalcoatlus.
Poor mommy killed by the savage Quetzalcoatlus 😞.
Run Hypsilophodon... RUN!! 😮
Tak ke seram tengok dinosaur besar macam rupa buaya di depan tu! 😅
The savagely vicious Velociraptor.
About Velociraptor.
Buaya gergasi ini namanya Sarcosuchus.
About Sarcosuchus.
A flock of Velociraptors. Generally, a group of dinosaurs can be called a flock, gaggle, colony or murder.
Jom kita ke bahagian seterusnya.
To be continued with Jurassic Research Center Part 02, inshaAllah. Meanwhile do take care.
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