Salam sejahtera.
Macam biasa, when in between blogs pasal travels, saya selit a few what I call 'filler entries' supaya tak sunyi sepi dan bersawang blog ni.. hehe.
Here are some of the daily photos I took over a few months. Nothing terribly exciting I'm afraid 😊.
Musim hujan ni elok la berbanyak berdoa.
Daripada Sahl bin Sa’ad RA, bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda:
Ø«ِÙ†ْتَانِ Ù„َا تُرَدَّانِ: الدُّعَاءُ عِÙ†ْدَ النِّدَاءِ، ÙˆَتَØْتَ الْÙ…َØ·َرِ
Maksudnya: “Dua doa yang tidak akan ditolak: Doa ketika azan atau selepas daripada azan dan doa ketika turunnya hujan.” [Riwayat al-Hakim (2534)] [Hadith ini menurut al-Hakim sanadnya sahih tetapi tidak diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari dan Muslim]
Ehh.. di Ampang ni pun ada pokok anggur!
Hari tu kami ke KLCC dan came upon the Cik Gajah Limited Edition series by Yusof Gajah.
Yang ini nama dia Cik Ungu 😊.
Mah Sing Foundation is pleased to be a founding sponsor of this exciting “Speak Up! There’s an Elephant in the Room” with Hospis Malaysia, raising public awareness of the importance of communications about life-limiting illnesses. We hope that patients and their families can take courage from public support and understanding of their daily challenges. The project is in line with Mah Sing Foundation’s focus in Health & Well-Being, one of 3 key pillars of Mah Sing Foundation which also includes Education, Families and Communities. Source: |
Yang ini Cik Violet 😊.
Hospis Malaysia provides palliative care to patients with life-limiting illnesses and support for the people around the patient. An important part of the work that the clinical team does is communicating with patients and families and helping them talk through difficult and sensitive issues. Hospis Malaysia is also committed to increasing awareness of the need for better access to quality palliative care for all in need. Source: |
About the artist.
Source: |
Di hujung sana tu agaknya Cik Biru dan Cik Kuning 😊.
Deepavali decorations di KLCC.
Hujan lagi. Sini kalau hujan memang gini la pemandangannya. SubhanAllah.
Inilah value duit RM lama. Anda ada koleksi ke?
Christmas decorations at KLCC.
Hujan-hujan ni banyak nyamuk, maka haruslah dibuat fogging.
Beautiful sunrise out my window. SubhanAllah.
I wonder siapa la yang beli pakaian macam ni. I mean, harganya dah tentu beribu ringgit, and then pakai cuma sekali je. Ke kedai ni sewa jubah-jubah ni?
A storm a-comin'.
BMW R1200GS.
Harganya RM111,500 😮.
Haaa... yg ni tak la sampai lebih RM100k. Unique. 3 roda.
Even more reasonably priced. Yet it still look fierce.
Dulu, I never needed these. Now ni dah berpangkat 'pak cik', they are a much welcomed necessities 😊.
Ouii... relieving the aches.. bliss... 😊.
Amazing wrist support!
CNY decorations at KLCC.
Ini cadangan untuk anda salurkan wang dari bajet derma bulanan anda. Semoga Allah swt melipatgandakan rezeki anda.
Dragon dance, Ampang Point Mall.
Start kereta, tak hidup. Bateri expired. Mujur la di rumah masa tu.
Hantar wife ke KLIA. Dia ke Sydney sebab kerja. Suami tak dapat ikut ðŸ˜.
How fascinating! Puncaknya diselimuti kabus.
Yang ni bukan kabus, tapi fogging bunuh nyamuk di shoplots near my house. Sebab menteri nak datang. Kan elok kalau menteri datang lawat tiap-tiap bulan. Or at least quarterly.
Once or twice a year saya akan buat spring cleaning. Setiap kali mesti ended up buang between 10 to 12 beg plastik besar penuh sampah. I tried not to clutter our house as much as I can.
Bukan la saya ni rajin sangat bersenam, tapi sampai terkopak la jugak tapak kasut sukan.. hehe. Mungkin badan saya berat sangat kot sampai tanggal tapak kena lanyak henyak.. hahaha. Mujur ada kasut spare (foto kanan).
Later that weekend, beli la gantinya. Tetiba semangat nak exercise.. hehe.
Ini Taman Bandar tempat saya exercise. Dah besar-besar dah pokok-pokoknya.
Dah sah tak muat, still... hehehe.
Setiap kali selesai solat malam, dia mesti datang baring macam ni, mintak belly rub 😊.
Framing the view. Taken di depan lift.
Tergendala aktiviti padang di sekolah ni sebab hujan lebat.
Ayuh ke arah biodegradasi! Ni beg plastik di Dunkin' Donuts.
Pek berbuka puasa kami. Alhamdulillah.
Sedondon ke tahun ni? Still ada ya yang gini masa raya?
Currently using the robot (foto kiri). We bought the hand held (foto kanan).
So, reckon I can rock a beanie.. hehehehe...
Cuteness overload!
4 super adorable kittens!
Tak dok diam langsung! 98% foto semua blur.. hahahaha..
Beautiful bulan. SubhanAllah.
No photograph or videos may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.