Sambung dengan cerita jalan-jalan kami di Yehliu Geopark.
Sambung dengan cerita jalan-jalan kami di Yehliu Geopark.
The Statue of Lin Tianzhen
🔶Before an official scenic area was established, Yehliu was open spot without safety resources. March 18th, 1964, a group of students were visiting the area while a student named Chang Guoquan fell into sea by an accident. A local fisherman, Lin Tianzhen, jumped into the sea to save the student; unfortunately, both of them were drown in the end.
🔶Upon hearing the news, President Chiang Kai-Shek gave orders to set up a statue in memory of the fisherman, Lin Tianzhen, while his story was also included in the textbooks for people to remember his brave acts.
🔶Described as "This rock is formed in a shape of giant gorilla squatting down to worship the dragon king".
Di hujung sana adalah tempat rehat yang ada cafe/bookstore.
Ok, jom ke Queen's Head.
Untuk ke Queen's Head rock formation ada disediakan laluan khas ini.
Wah... ada queue panjang untuk bergambar di Queen's Head.
Di sekitar batu Queen's Head ada banyak lagi formasi batu-batuan yang juga tidak kurang menariknya.
Bentuk batu-batuan yang berlainan rupa dan saiz akibat hakisan yang mengikis bahagian yang lembut yang akhirnya menonjolkan bahagian batu yang keras.
Demi menjaga keindahan geopark ini laluan titi kayu dibina. Visitors are strongly advised to stay on the path.
Tapi ada saja yang tidak menghiraukan rules geopark itu, seperti mereka dalam foto ini.
Philip pun ada kata pada kami yang pengunjung ini sepatutnya tidak boleh berbuat begitu. In fact, tambah dia lagi, kalau geopark security nampak, mereka boleh dikenakan denda.
Batu yang kanan itulah Queen's Head.
Walau pun nampaknya pengunjung yang beratur nak bergambar dengan Queen's Head itu tidaklah panjang, tapi masa beratur itu lama sebab setiap pengunjung pastinya hendak berposing macam-macam gaya. So that'll take long. So kami beredar sajalah... hihi. Lagi pun banyak lagi area yang kami nak explore.
Some of these wonderful rock formations have vegetations growing on them. Nice.
Satu lagi tourist yang kami nampak melanggar peraturan Geopark ini. Sudah terang tercatat pada tiket "no touching, no climbing" on the rocks. 😒😩
Tidak seperti di area yang ada laluan konkrit dan titi kayu, di kawasan ini pengunjung dibenarkan berjalan di atas permukaan batu kapur ini. Ini memberi peluang kepada pengunjung untuk memerhatikan dengan lebih dekat lagi formasi batu-batuan di sini.
Tapi secara jujur saya rasa janggal bila berjalan di sini kerana memikirkan geopark ini telah diiktiraf dan ditadbir mengikut nilai geopark UNESCO. Is it really ok that it is being trampled upon by drove of tourists on daily basis?
Honeycomb Weathering
🔶Owing to the differential erosion caused by weathering, the surface of rock turns into the shape of honeycomb or window lattice. The flat, level rocks are spreading across the land and covered with holes of different sizes. They are just like tiny windows on the ground.
Elephant Rock
🔶The elephant rock is the lime concretion or lime lump featuring stiff texture while being formed under the influences of differential erosion. Legend says that the fairy forgot to bring the elephant back when she defeated the turtle elf; as result, the elephant stood there waiting to be taken home and rejected to go ashore.
🔶Candle Rock: The candle shaped rock is a short conical rock on the ground with the top being narrower than the bottom. A round shape concretion containing lime is formed on the central top of the rock and being surrounding by circular grooves, just like a candle tray.
🔶Fairy’s Shoe: Legend says that this one piece of shoe was left accidently by a fairy that came down to earth to tame the naughty turtle elf. The fairy’s shoe belongs to ginger rock, and is formed due to seawater erosion on rock layer that contains rocks of different hardness, along with the impact caused by stratum extrusion.
🔶Pearl Rock: The pearl rock is a globe concretion and is spreading all over the park. As the pear rock situated below the fairy’s shoe is a beautifully formed globe concretion, it’s also called the earth rock.
🔶Fairy Shoe (仙女鞋): The Fairy Shoe is a rock formation that remarkably resembles a high-heeled shoe. It is the result of differential erosion, where softer rock layers have been gradually eroded away, leaving behind this intriguing and delicate structure.
🔶Candle Rocks (蠟燭石): Candle Rocks are tall, thin columns of rock that look like candles. They are another example of columnar basalt formations created by lava cooling and fracturing into hexagonal shapes.
Betul-betul sebelah kanan 3 batu stated above, ada satu lagi rock formation known as Earth-shaped rock (as per map in this Geopark's pamphlet).
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Earth-shaped rock |
Dan di sebelah kiri 3 rock formation tadi pula ada satu lagi batu iaitu Peanut Rock.
🔶Peanut Rock: The peanut rock is situated on the left hand side of the fairy’s shoe. Concretion with special shape is eroded by seawater and thus rises above sea level. It was formed in a figure similar to a peanut and thus it’s called peanut rock.
Queen’s Head
👑Queen’s Head, one of the most famous scenes in Yehliu, is a kind of mushroom rock. It is formed due to the differential erosion caused by seawater during curst movement. When comparing the height of which with the crust’s rising rate, it is assessed that the age of the rock is about 4,000 years old. The so called “Queen’s Head” is in fact a mushroom rock; it gets the title because the shape as formed after the top of rock being fallen apart in 1962~1963 appears like the side face of Queen Elizabeth.
👑Queen’s Head is regarded as the landmark of Yehliu, yet its fame doesn’t bring any good to itself since it not only undertakes natural devastation but also being spoiled by mankind. The narrowest part around it neck is about 138 cm now.
Sea Groove
🔶Sea groove is formed as the surface of concretion is eroded by sea waves while the concretion is developed in a position vertical to the cape. The small bridges set up in the park are meant to connect two lands where sea grooves are formed below.
Pineapple Bun
🔶On the back of the Gorilla Rock, there stands a peculiar shape concretion nearby the sea. The interwoven joints appeared on the concretion is very much like a pineapple bun. It is strongly advised that visitors shall observe the tour guide regulations to preserve these natural wonders.
Honeycombed Rock
🔶Honeycombed rocks refer to the rocks that are covered with holes of different sizes and appear like the honeycombs as a result, for example, the top of the mushroom rock.
Dragon’s Head Rock
🔶A unique-formed mushroom rock, with one side features an image of the dragon’s head while the other side is like the shape of a puppy’s head. Make sure to say your prayer before the Dragon’s Head Rock to have its blessing.
Bersambung dengan bahagian ke 3.
Till the next coming entry, inshaAllah. Meanwhile do take care.
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