Siri 'Hari tu...' kembali lagi dengan kisah-kisah rojak.
Hmm... posa ni berbuka dengan rojak pun sedap jugak kan :).
Ni mostly shoot dgn handphone je :).
Hari tu gi 7 Eleven and saw this bubur kacang segera. Curious nak tau rasanya so bought a cup. Senang je nak buat, tuang je ingredients campur dgn air panas.
Yep, gula boleh control. Just pour as little as you like.
Kacang hijaunya.
Mix gula [now or later] dan tuang boiling water.
Tutup for about 5 minutes. And then serve. Ok la rasanya. If travel or stay oversea boleh la bawak kot craving nak bubur kacang :).
Di Ampang Point [where else la for me kan.. hehe] ada new kebab kiosk ni named Kebab Turki. Sedap ke? Senang cerita, kalau saya ke shopping mall ni mesti beli kebab Turki ni :).
Menu yang simple tak serabut nak pilih. Wrap nya can choose plain or garlic or wholemeal. Saya mesti la pilih wholemeal :). Sauce pun boleh pilih, nak semua 5 sos letak dalam kebab you or just 1 or 2 sos. Ikut suka. Nak add on telur atau keju pun boleh. Saya recommend beef kebab tu. So sedap!
You can watch the preparations.
Ramai juga pelanggannya. Tak perlu tunggu lama sebab preparations are done quickly.
Sambil menunggu tu saya bersembang dengan staff2 ni. Baik mereka ni.
Sembang with staff name Al Kautsar, yang belakang tu. Both are from Bangladesh, from Dhaka. Been in Malaysia for 6 months. I asked him about Dhaka/Bangladesh: 1) For vacation where to go in Bangladesh? - First to get tourist visa at Bangladesh embassy. He don’t know how much. - Have many places like the beaches similar to Penang beaches that is 6 to 7 hours by bus from Dhaka.
2) Is it safe to travel in Bangladesh? - Yes, safe. No worries about travelling there.
3) Majority muslim? - Yes, muslim 97%. Balance are Christians and Hindus.
4) Currency value? - Bottled water here RM1.50, there RM0.75.
5) How many seasons there? - 6 seasons: winter, summer, autumn, spring, rainy and lame weather [neither cold nor hot].
6) What season best to go to Bangladesh? - Best during summer. Wear clothes like in Malaysia. In Dhaka it is cooler. Outside Dhaka a bit more warmer.
7) How long flight from KL to Dhaka? - 3 hours and 30 minutes
Al Kautsar shared ramai Bangladeshi go to London to work. In any one house in Dhaka especially, there will be at least 1 family member of a household that works in London. |
Fresh ingredients.
Harga yang berpatutan. Fyi, the beef kebab got a lot of beef inside! The beef was very deliciously seasoned and spiced.
Cara nak makan. Tarik je red puller tu and the kebab slides out :).
Hmm.. hmmm.. so good! :). Love the wholemeal wrap that was hot and crisp and the LOVE the fresh crunchy veges.
2 enthusiastic thumbs up!!
A simple yet satisfying meal. No fuss, just pull the red tab and eat :).
Hari tu temankan wife gi ATM and saw this Nur Alert about a missing boy by Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat. Kesiannya. Tentu juga mak ayah kesedihan yang amat sangat.
Balik rumah saya pun check di internet. Ada juga notis di KPM (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia).
Juga di MFinder dengan Contact Information nya Polis Diraja Malaysia.
Juga di
Juga ada di Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia. Baru saya tahu ada banyak badan-badan yang terlibat dalam usaha mencari missing persons. Bukan sahaja polis. Kerjasama ini warms my heart.
But then my heart... :(. انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
Noticed ramai betul seller jus buah delima ni, especially di shopping mall. Lama dah kot, tapi saya baru je noticed. Sedap ke? Ke masam?
Mahalnya! :O
Lukisan-lukisan oleh Melton Kais yang sangat awesome di KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital.
Cantik sangat!
Pure punya!
Tak lah terlalu mahal, I think.
Kiosk pak Arab. Ada macam-macam produk menarik tapi takut nak gambar sebab seller tu muka nampak garang.. hehehe. They all do, right.. hehehe.. Actually, tak la, 2 orang neighbour saya baik je orangnya.
Macam-macam sneks ada.
Kebab lagi... hehehe...
Al Kautsar was not there. Kawan dia kata sudah balik Bangladesh. Sudah kawin :).
About a month ago, 6 countries je. Now dah 8 countries.
Selalu tengok restoran ni penuh. Foodnya trendy. Fusion I guess. For Young urban professional, I reckon. We tried once. Everything was good, the ambience, the service, the owner was super nice too. But unfortunately we had decided to not go there again due to the taste, portion and pricing. Well, I guess we were not trendy enough... hehehe...
That Teh Tarik is super pricey, for a teh tarik. It is 'Starbucks' pricey.
It is so trendy, they have menus teaching you how to eat the dishes.
On to something less pricey.. hehehe. Have you ever wonder about this cheap perfumes? Cheap you think?
Well, first of, the selections are super astounding! All those brands in one place!
Are they really cheap? Considering they are, well, knock offs?
Haaa... kami setiap minggu sarapan or lunch di restoran ni. No fusion, no teh tarik harga berbelas ringgit sebotol. Just nice Malaysian food. Anyway, nak cerita tentang Puan yang sangat budiman ni. Baik sangat orangnya. Saya dan isteri selalu la jugak sembang dengan dia especially kalau dia tak busy dengan customers lain.
Her name is Maria. At age 39 already a nenek. She got married at age 13. After married for 4 years, got 1st child – a daughter. The daughter married at age 20 and got a child. Kampung dia di Lumajang, Surabaya. She said till today in Lumajang they married their children off at early age. She asked me to call her opah instead of nenek... hehe. Baik Opah... :) |
Kami bela kucing so one day tu nak cari a certain cat food brand yang tak de di kedai yang kami frequent. Ended up going to all these pet shops.
We are regulars at his petshop. |
Beratus harga sekor kucing ni. Kami tak bela yang breed2 ni. Kami ambik (actually bayar la jugak) di SPCA Ampang, kucing local je :). |
Kedai ni tak best. Bau hancing kuat! Also, tak sorang pun staff yang welcome us or asked if we need any help. Mereka sedang sangat sibuk dengan handphone. And I was standing right in front of them. |
Kedai ni nampak bagus. Siap ada vet. And have many cat food brands. |
Kedai ni juga ada penyambut tetamu yang comel sangat ni.. hehehe. Lupa pulak apa nama dia. Tapi nama jantan sebab kucing jantan. |
Macam-macam perkhidmatan ada. |
Mandian pun ada 8 jenis dengan harga-harga berlainan. Ni first time saya tahu ni. Nak cukur bulu satu badan pun boleh. |
Kiranya kedai ni legit la. |
Kedai ni baru bukak. Baru masa kami ke situ la.
Owner dia kata ada service pick up dan hantar kucing dari/ke rumah pelanggan. Kalau tak nak hantar boarding di kedai ni sebab mungkin kucing anda lebih selesa di rumah atau anda lebih prefer kucing anda di rumah dari duduk dalam sangkar di tempat boarding, owner kedai juga boleh ke rumah anda untuk uruskan kucing anda (bagi makan, bersihkan litter box etc) semasa pemergian anda. Bagus betul. Still, you have to trust the owner la. |
Juga ada penyambut tetamu yang ayu ni. Lupa jugak apa nama dia tapi nama perempuan melayu. Zubaidah? Habibah? Entah la, tak ingat.
Bulan posa ni mula la teringin nak makan itu ini. Sampaikan teringin nak makan roti canai. Teruk betul! Hahahaha...
Pagi Ramadhan yang cukup syahdu.
Di Masjid Bandar Baru Ampang.
Bagus betul la management kami, siap berurusan dengan MPAJ minta bukak meja di bangunan kami bagi memudahkan pembayaran cukai pintu. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Bagus punya parking.
Teringin dan curious, so try la.
2 thumbs down.
The advertised and the actual. Need I say more?
This, never disappoints :).
Duit syiling satu bekas ni seberat lebih kurang 5 kilo. Cuba teka berapa total nya?
Total adalah RM187.70. Jenuh ngumpul. |
Temankan wife ke KLCC nak beli camera baru. Yang lama dah nak expired.
Menyambil-nyambil ambik gambar.
Wife pilih yang ni. Tergoda saya. Bagus camera compact ni!
Gi tengok-tengok pulak pamphlet ni. Lagi la runsing kepala! Hahaha...
Harga-harga tu saya tampal for easy reference. Paling murah pun RM2k.. aduhh!! |
Dah jom keluar dari kedai tu.. hehehe.
Foto-foto berikut diambil dengan handphone Samsung Galaxy Note 3 dengan wide angle lens.
Satu lagi restoran yang kami cuma akan pergi lagi kalau dah betul-betul tak ada pilihan lain.
Beras kami diserang kutu! Ewww...
Kawan-kawan bagi petua. Gi beli cili kering!
Dan gaulkan cili kering dalam beras untuk halau kutu-kutu beras tu.
Sangat berkesan!! Berduyun-duyun kutu-kutu beras meninggalkan bekas beras kami. Tapi entah ke mana mereka pergi.
Hari tu lepas selesai gunting rambut terjumpa auntie ni. Dia tengah bagi kucing makan di tepi corridor of a row of shops. Saya pun berteguran lah dengan dia.
- She was giving a cat some cat biscuits and soft food. Gave ProDiet kucing tu tak suka kata auntie ni. It just ate the biscuits. - Dia cerita yang dia pernah neutered all the cats there at that shoplot, about 10 cats at SPCA at a cost of RM110/cat. Neutered then released back to street. Baiknya auntie ni! - Ada sekali tu di kata got one young guy also gave food but gave soft food. Auntie tu kata shop owners there don’t like it cause soft food dirties the lane. - The uneaten ProDiet soft food yang dia bagi she scooped back and not left on the lane’s floor. - She stayed at a nearby condo with her husband. All their kids are grown ups so she got 20 cats. - She does not cook so 7 of her cats sleeps in the kitchen. - Her husband don’t mind about the cats. The auntie said he works all the time. Morning left home, night only come back. - One of her friends got 40 cats. Another one got 60 cats. Banyaknya! - She also neutered about 10 cats at a foodcourt nearby and released back at the same foodcourt. But later on when she checked all the cats are gone. She suspected the Vietnamese had eaten the cats! Oh my! - She gave her cats whiskas soft food mix with biscuits. She also cooks chicken breasts for her cats. Boiled and left for 5 minutes and later serve her cats for dinner. |
Hari tu saya gi klinik kerajaan nak ambik ubat. Terdengarlah bualan mak cik-mak cik yang duduk di belakang saya.
- One of the mak cik bercerita tentang a video she saw in YouTube. Tech savvy mak cik ni. Video tu pasal pasangan yang tak jadi kawin sebab tak cukup mas kawin dan barang hantaran. Ni kisah wanita berpangkat besar nak kawin dengan lelaki kerja sebagai security guard. Sampai baling-baling kerusi kata mak cik tu dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Yang mak cik-mak cik lagi 2 orang tu pulak cakap wah dahsyatnya. Mak cik tu kata habis harta-harta masjid! - Lepas tu cerita pulak pasal crane tumbang di Mekah dulu tu. - Then one of the mak cik declared that she never eat mee segera maggi sebab dia kata kuah maggi tu kalau jirus pada pokok, boleh mati pokok tu!! Dia tambah kalau tak percaya cuba lah sendiri! - Lepas tu they had very lenghty discussions about the dangers of ajinomoto. One mak cik said seumur hidup dia she had never use ajinomoto in her cooking ever! |
Hari tu masa kat rumah saya dengar helikopter berlegar-legar di ruang angkasa kawasan perumahan saya. Berulang-ulang kali membuat lintasan. Saya pun tengok la apa hal. Rupanya ia membuat pendaratan di sebuah padang awan di taman saya ni. Ada emergency kot. Mungkin ada orang sakit. Atau ada VVIP guna service heli ni. Entah la.
Itu la saja dulu kisah dari siri 'Hari tu...' saya buat kali ni. Merapu je kan.. hehehehe...
No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.