Ha.. kalau dah gi jalan2 dgn aku mesti la kena pose for photoshoot. Ala... simple2 dan santai2 je photoshootnya. Sambil jalan2 sambil shooting. Yg penting have fun while vacationing :)
Aku ni pantang je nampak nice window/door frames. Mesti my 'models' kena pose.....hihihi...
Tak kisah le mana pun kat jalan2 tu. Ader je spot yg sesuai, strike a pose! Hehehe...
Kebetulan my room's balcony can see their room's balcony like this. So I called them to come out of their rooms and pose! Yes, they must be ready to berfoto at any time bila jalan2 dgn aku... hahahaha....
Spot balcony tu nice for photoshoot. So POSE! Hihihihi...
Diaorg ni memang best. Each one of them so sporting. Ok je layan aku kalau aku nak berfotografi :)
Took a few shots before beach activities....
A couple more shots after the beach activities.
Hahaha.. entah le kenapa yg 2 tu nak tunjuk gigi pulak...hihihi....
syed amran images, canon eos 7d, tamron 18-270mm, penang, pulau pinang, vacation, outdoor photoshoot, No photograph may be reproduced, downloaded, copied, stored, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission from Syed Amran. All rights reserved.
Hahaha... they did! Hahahaa..... buat malu jek kan.. hahahaha Hihi... actually dah tak leh tukar dah cause dah lekat. Moreover I kinda like it though panggilan 'Aboh' tu.. hihi... Peace doc :)
p/s doc.... beribu shots I took doc.... nak download pun dah letih doc..... card 8GB habis penuh doc.... aduhhh.... hihihi...
cooll gambar yang last .. . ;) .. pisss...
DeleteNext time I think I will enter frame more lah... macam fun pulak.... hihihi....
Haha.. Peace Yo!
dia orang lambai2 sambil jerit2 'abah'!! tak dari balkoni sana..?
suruh tukar 'abang ' laa..
'pis' jugak!
あなたの写真を待っている !
Hahaha... they did! Hahahaa..... buat malu jek kan.. hahahaha
DeleteHihi... actually dah tak leh tukar dah cause dah lekat. Moreover I kinda like it though panggilan 'Aboh' tu.. hihi...
Peace doc :)
doc.... beribu shots I took doc.... nak download pun dah letih doc..... card 8GB habis penuh doc.... aduhhh.... hihihi...